Horses are hard-wired by evolution to be mindful; before domestication, their survival depended on it.
Mindfulness is maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and the surrounding environment.
Studies have shown that practicing mindfulness has many benefits:
Pet assisted therapy also has many benefits, including:
Miniature horses make equine therapy portable and therefore accessible to more populations.
Our goal at Mindful Minis is to blend miniature horses, mindfulness and pet assisted therapy.
Miniature horses are unique in their ability to share the horse-human bond. The tiny equines posses all the spirit of their larger counterparts, in addition to being calm, playful, curious and... portable!
Our mission is simple: To share these unique, gentle little souls with children, teens and elders who might benefit from the experience of the human-animal interaction.
"Horses carry the Wisdom of Healing in their hearts and offer it to any humans who possess the Humility to Listen..." ~ unknown